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Axis 3 : Multi-fonctional Surface Behavior

Axis 3 (Multi-fonctional Surface Behavior) will develop an interdisciplinary, multifunctional and multiscale approach to design surface properties subjected to specific solicitations mostly in severe conditions, such as those encountered in tribology, (tribo-)corrosion, photonics and optics, thermics, chemistry or sensorial perception
Applicants are encouraged to propose collaborative projects between different laboratories, with a subject related, if possible, to light-surface interaction. Whatever the size of the considered surface, a special attention should be paid to its use, and to every properties for which the surface may be simultaneously employed (“Multi-functional Surfaces”): thermal, mechanical, optical, chemical (related to its environment) properties.
Some parts of the supported projects can, of course, be devoted to the surface elaboration, design or characterization, but the main objective of the projects should particularly address the final use of the surface.

Key-words: Functional surface, Uses, Behavior, Multi-scale, Pluri-disciplinarity.