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Professionnal skills

The scientific and technological skills of MANUTECH-SISE serve the LABEX's missions and goals which are defined at national level.

The missions of the laboratories of excellence are :

  • to increase scientific excellence and originality, transfer the obtained knowledge and, at the same time, increase the international visibility of French research, while also involving other national laboratories ;
  • to guarantee the excellence of their courses, and to play a leading role in the MSc and PhD programs ;
  • to be part of the strategy of their supervisory institutions and to reinforce the dynamics of the concerned sites.

These missions comprise research projects of very high scientific quality, training projects, as well as projects for the valorization and dissemination of scientific results as a service for industrial partners or the social and cultural domain.

The goals of LABEX MANUTECH-SISE fit this context by covering the fields of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing processes, employing combined teams of mechanics, tribologists, physical-chemists, opticians and photonic experts, image specialists, and experts in materials science.